People Know How provide a range of support and help in connecting people to each other and to the online community. Distance Befriending: Distance Befriending supports adults across Edinburgh over the phone or via video calling. From chatting about hobbies and interests to sharing advice on accessing resources, befrienders are there to listen, talk, and understand, offering a friendly ear to someone who may feel isolated. Online Befriending and Group Support: One-to-one Online Befriending provides a safe, supportive online environment where young people and their befrienders can talk, play games, learn, and share stories. Group Support uses online group activities to help guide children and young people through this time of uncertainty. Priority is being given to P7 pupils. This is available in North East Edinburgh and East Lothian. Computer Delivery Service: People Know How are providing computers to those who need help staying connected in Edinburgh and East Lothian! For members of the community who are self-isolating, home-schooling, on low income or would benefit for any other reason, make a referral today! We will deliver the computer to your doorstep, and have volunteers ready to offer phone support in setting up and connecting to the internet. This project is currently in high demand, so there may be a waiting list. Located at: 525 Ferry Road, Edinburgh EH5 2FF. Website: Phone number: 01315690525 General email:
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