Lastest information (24/3/2020) from Lothian Buses on cancelling Ridacards:
We do not have the capability to pause or suspend our Direct Debit Ridacard product but you may cancel your card and subscription.
If you wish to cancel your direct debit Ridacard, please email with a note of your Unique Reference Number (6-digit number on the front of your Ridacard, to the left of your photograph), your Ridacard number (the 8-digit number beneath the word “Ridacard”), your name, address and contact telephone number.
Emails to this inbox will be processed as soon as we can, but you will not receive a response. Any personal details you supply will only be used to identify your account, process your request and contact you if necessary regarding this.
If you choose to cancel in this way,
Cards will be cancelled immediately and will not be accepted for travel on our services.
Any subscription payments which are not due within the next 7 days will be stopped.
If you have a payment due in the next few days, we recommend you also cancel the direct debit mandate with your bank.
For refunds of any associated credit balances, this is likely to take us longer than usual to process – we initially anticipate that this may take at least one month but may take longer. Refunds once processed will be credited directly to the originating bank account where available, or otherwise will be made by cheque and posted.