This visual guide can help explain Coronavirus/COVID-19 to children and young people with additional support needs
Image transcription:
What is COVID-19?
It can make you cough and find it hard to breathe and hot.
It is like flu.
Keeping healthy
It spreads through coughing.
When you cough cover your mouth.
Use a tissue.
Throw tissues in the bin.
Wash your hands with soap.
Wash your hands before and after eating.
Wash your hands after going to the toilet.
Wash them really well. Rub soap or hand gel all over.
What to do if you think you might get ill.
There is not injection or medicine.
You don't need to visit your doctor.
You can phone your doctor for help.
Do not come to school or work.
Stay home for 2 weeks.
This helps keep other people healthy.
End transcription.
